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Savvy Case Studies 

CMS Non-Profit Organizations & Small Business Websites

Case studies provide powerful examples of what can be achieved when a website is integrated with Savvy CMS software.

Learn how small businesses, non profit organizations, and other groups just like you are using Savvy CMS Software to solve their content management solutions.

List of Savvy Client Case Studies

Town of Exeter, NH
As a New Hampshire town floods, the web site churns out vital information with the help of Savvy Software.

Windham School Department
A school system revamps its web site over the summer - and the community responds.

Cleveland Chiropractic College
A two-campus college creates a web site that exceeds expectations.

Town of Cumberland, ME
A Maine town saves time and money by bringing web site control in-house.

Vynall Corporation -
Mac compatibility and long term savings.

Additionally, we have two case studies currently in development, one for a municipality and one for a non-profit organizations.

Wondering what Savvy CMS can do for your business or non-profit organization's website?  Contact us today.