In this topic you will find the basic steps you need to take in order to make sure all KTML image editing features are working fine. This includes the installation of the ImageMagick library for both Unix and Windows systems.
Note: The steps depicted in this topic are accurate and available at the time of this writing. For up-to-date instructions on how to install the latest ImageMagick version available, check out the product's installation instructions - online, or in the downloaded package.
To check whether ImageMagick already exists on your system, follow the next steps:
From the Start menu select Run.
In the Run program dialog box type cmd to access the console
At the prompt type:
convert -version
If ImageMagick
is already installed, a message will be displayed with the version and
copyright notices:
If you do not get this message, or you get a bad command or file name message, then you have to install ImageMagick.
To install ImageMagick on a windows system it is recommended that you have administration rights. The steps to take are:
Download the ImageMagick binary install package from one of the ftp sites listed on the ImageMagick download page. Pick the location that is closest to you, then download the latest version. The file will be named similar to ImageMagick-6.2.2-Q8-windows-static.exe and should be found in the binaries subdirectory
Execute the downloaded file and follow the wizard instructions.
You will be prompted to select a folder name, whether to create shortcts
or not.
Note: if you do not have administrator rights on the machine,
pick a folder that you have write permissions to instead of the default
After setting up these options, an installation progress bar will be displayed. hen the installation completes, a new dialog will appear. By default, the View ImageMagick.html is check-marked. This causes the ImageMagick web pages to be displayed in a browser when Finish is selected.
To test whether ImageMagick was installed successfully, run the steps in the section above.
If using a shared host or a hosting service company it is possible that ImageMagick will be already installed and configured.
To check whether ImageMagick is already installed on a Unix based system, try the following:
Open a terminal - console window.
Execute the following command:
convert -version
If the ImageMagick version and other information is displayed, then you already have ImageMagick installed, and you can skip the next section. Go to the KTML configuration directly.
To install KTML on any of the UNIX flavours (Mac OS, Linux, Solaris, etc) you should install it from the program C sources. If you do not have permissions to compile and build programs, then use one of the pre-packaged versions - download and install the Unix binary releases here.
To install ImageMagick on Unix from a binary release:
If using a rpm file, you only need to run a single command:
rpm -Uvh ImageMagick-6.2.5-5.i386.rpm
If using the zipped version, simply copy the archive contents into the folder you want it installed. Then create the path variables - as explained on the download page.
To install ImageMagick from the source:
First download the latest version of the program sources - ImageMagick.tar.gz - from the ImageMagixk ftp, here.
Unzip the package to a folder of choice. You can unzip
the files using an X utility, or from the command line:
gunzip -c ImageMagick.tar.gz | tar xvf -
In the folder where you have unzipped ImageMagick
run the configuration script:
Note: If you do not have administrator rights you must select
a different folder for ImageMagick
than the default. For this you have to use the
-prefix command:
./configure -prefix /usr/personalFiles/ImageMagick
If no errors were found, you can start the install process.
make install
To check whether the installation has completed successfully, run convert-version once more.
After the installation completes, you must configure KTML to use the ImageMagick from the path you installed to.