Right-click options for thumbnails

While using the Remote File Explorer, you can right-click the thumbnails displayed in the files area on the right. A pop-up menu with the actions you can perform will be displayed. This menu varies for:

If you right-click a document or a movie file, the pop-up menu will look like this:


The provided operations for documents and movie files are the following:

  1. Rename - rename the current file. A window will pop-up and ask you for the new name:


  2. Duplicate - create a copy of the selected file in the same folder. It is automatically named Copy of InitialFilename. Use this option when you need more than one copy of the same file - for example, when you want to test some things regarding the file, and you do not want to risk affecting the original one.

  3. Delete - remove the selected file from the remote disk. A window will pop-up asking for confirmation:


  4. Copy - copy the selected file to the clipboard. You can then paste it in a different location.

  5. Cut - copy the selected file to the clipboard, and once you paste it somewhere else, the original file is removed from its location. The thumbnail will have a blurry look between the moment you selected the Cut option and the moment you paste the file:


  6. Paste - paste a file from the clipboard in the same location as the selected file. The option is enabled only when there is content stored in the clipboard.

Note: When multiple files are selected, the Rename option is not displayed.


If you right-click an image, the pop-up menu will look like this:


The provided operations for images are the following:

  1. Rename

  2. Duplicate

  3. Delete

  4. Copy

  5. Cut

  6. Paste

    Read more about these options above.

  7. Edit Image - launch the KTML Image Editor window in order to modify the current image. Read more about the window that pops-up here.

  8. Insert Thumbnail - insert a smaller version (thumbnail) of the current image in page. When selecting this option, a dialog box will pop-up:


  9. Rotate Left - rotate the current image to the left with 90 degrees.

  10. Rotate Right - rotate the current image to the right with 90 degrees.

  11. Image Operations - this entry is a sub-menu that expands while hovering the mouse cursor over. It contains the following options:

Note: When multiple images are selected, the Rename option is not displayed, and the Edit Image and Insert Thumbnail options are disabled.


If you right-click a template file, the pop-up menu will look like this:


The provided operations for template files are the following:

  1. Rename

  2. Duplicate

  3. Delete

  4. Copy

  5. Cut

  6. Paste

    Read more about these options above.

  7. Zoom In - check out the content template, since you cannot see much of it in the thumbnail image. When selecting this option, a window will pop-up displaying the whole content template:


Note: When multiple template files are selected, the Rename option is not displayed, and the Zoom In option is disabled.

As you noticed, the right-click contextual menu groups together options often needed. Use it whenever you want to save time with accessing certain commands.