Right-click options for tree-menu explorer

While using the Remote File Explorer, you can right-click the folder items displayed in the tree-menu on the left. A pop-up menu with the actions you can perform will be displayed:


The tree-menu contextual menu provides the following operations:

  1. Rename - rename the current folder. A window will pop-up and ask you for the new name:


  2. Delete - remove the selected folder from the remote disk. If the folder is empty, it will be instantly removed. If it contains sub-folders or files, you will be asked for confirmation about deleting it:


  3. Paste - paste the current clipboard content (files) in the selected folder. The option is only enabled if there is content in the clipboard.

As you noticed, the right-click contextual menu groups together options often needed. Use it whenever you want to save time with accessing certain commands.